Master’s thesis, College of Physical Education: The effect of the Perkins and Blythe model on cognitive achievement and learning some offensive skills in handball

A doctoral thesis at the College of Physical Education discusses the effect of rondo weight chains on some bio-motor abilities, skills, and possession of advanced soccer players.

A study at the College of Physical Education discusses the effect of the three-way dialogue strategy using educational methods in learning some basic handball skills for students.

A study at the College of Physical Education discusses structural modeling of the most important physical and mental determinants according to the (Adventurous – Caution) method in the cognitive and skill achievement in handball for students)

A master’s thesis at the College of Education discusses the effect of defensive tactical response exercises on some forms of speed and the effectiveness of quick attack defense in handball under 18 years of age.

A master’s thesis at the College of Physical Education discusses the effect of the Barman model, accompanied by visual presentation, in learning some basic football skills for students.

A study at the College of Special Education discusses the minors choosing judgments on the plane according to performance, orientation, legal knowledge, some executive ability, and emotional traits.

Professor Dr. Walaa Fadel Ibrahim chaired the committee to discuss his doctoral thesis at Koya University

A lecturer at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, Prof. Dr. Walaa Fadel Ibrahim, was chosen as the head of the committee to discuss his…

Teaching in the College of Physical Education and a member of the comprehensive examination committees for doctoral students at the University of Babylon

The teaching staff at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Wissam Salah Abdul Hussein, participated in the membership of the two…

Teaching in the College of Physical Education and a member of the comprehensive examination committees for doctoral students at the University of Babylon

The lecturer in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Haider Salman, participated in the membership of the comprehensive examination committees for…