The Faculty of Physical Education is witnessing the approval of a PhD research topic entitled (The effectiveness of a learning approach using the srroflett & stoddart model in creative thinking and learning some basic tennis skills for students)

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences witnessed the approval of a PhD research topic submitted by the student Ahmed Hamza Abdel-Hassan entitled (The effectiveness of a learning curriculum…

The College of Physical Education, in cooperation with the National Youth Observatory at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, holds an educational awareness seminar on the role of family and psychological counseling in reducing extremist behavior among young people.

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, in cooperation with the National Observatory for Youth in the Ministry of Youth and Sports, held an…

A study in the Faculty of Physical Education discusses offensive skill performance in terms of some biokinetic capabilities, psychological differentiation, and legal knowledge of futsal players

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala discussed a doctoral dissertation on offensive skill performance in terms of some biokinetic capabilities, psychological distinction and…

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is witnessing the approval of a PhD thesis title on the effect of rehabilitative exercises with different resistances on the neuromuscular function, the strength of the muscles that stabilize the knee, and some skills for volleyball players with medium rupture of the meniscus

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala witnessed the approval of the title of doctoral student Arwa Najm, entitled (The effect of rehabilitative exercises…

The Faculty of Physical Education is witnessing the approval of a doctoral research topic entitled ((The effect of educational games on some visual abilities and the performance of complex offensive skills in handball for players aged (13_15) years))

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala witnessed the approval of the doctoral student’s research (Haider Rashid Madloul) entitled ((The effect of educational games…

The Faculty of Physical Education is witnessing the approval of a PhD research topic entitled ((The effect of training using smart electronic media on some harmonic kinetic and visual abilities and the indicator of the accuracy of the offensive skill performance of young football players))

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala witnessed the approval of the doctoral student’s research (Saad Allawi Jawad) entitled ((The effect of training using…

During a field visit: The head of the theoretical sciences branch praises the valuable efforts of the branch professors

As part of a series of activities of the Theoretical Sciences Branch, the head of the branch, Assistant Professor Dr. Hussein Manati Sajit, visited the classrooms and met with some…

The Faculty of Physical Education is witnessing the approval of a PhD research topic entitled ((The Effect of Special and Complementary Training (Alpha-GPC) on Some Physiological Indicators, Biokinetic Capabilities, and Accuracy of Offensive Skills for Volleyball Players Under 19 Years))

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala witnessed the approval of the doctoral student’s research (Hamid Darb Abis) entitled ((The Effect of Special Training…

The Faculty of Physical Education is witnessing the approval of a PhD research topic entitled (The Impact of the Appleton Model on Positive Thinking and Learning Some Tape Instrument Skills in Rhythmic Gymnastics for Female Students)

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala witnessed the approval of the topic of the doctoral student’s research (Ibtihal Hassan Abdul-Amir), which was titled…

Head of Theoretical Sciences Branch: Member of a committee to discuss a doctoral dissertation in the College of Physical Education at Al-Qadisiyah University

Assistant Professor Dr. Hussein Manati Sajit, Head of the Theoretical Sciences Branch at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, participated in the membership…