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Dr. Al-Aboudi Offers Condolences on Holy Martyrdom of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (PBUH)

His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi “We offer our condolences to our Islamic nation and our Iraqi people on the martyrdom of the seventh of the infallible Imams, Imam Musa bin Jaafar Al-Kadhim (PBUH), whose holy biography and pure life embodied a firm Quranic behavior, stances and morals that derive their content from his pure fathers, from whom God removed impurity and purified them completely”.

Dr. Al-Aboudi added that “On this occasion, we ask God Almighty to bestow upon Iraq and its people goodness and success and to crown their deeds with acceptance and success, He is the All-Hearing, All-Answering”.

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