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University of Kerbala Discussing entitled Study of TNF_related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand Matrix Metalloproteinase8 and Neutrophelic Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin as a Biomarker to distinguish bacterial from viral infections in acute Febrile Children

College of Medicine _ University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled “Study of TNF_related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand Matrix Metalloproteinase8 and Neutrophelic Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin as a Biomarker to distinguish bacterial from viral infections in acute Febrile children”.
To explain infections in children with acute fever, the study deals with the role of immune indicators (NGAL, MMP-8, TRAIL) in distinguishing between them.
The study, has been presented by Ali Abbas Miran, demonstrates the importance of studied indicators in improving diagnosis and directing appropriate treatment to reduce the use of unnecessary antibiotics and improve patient response.

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