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A lecturer from University of Kerbala being Selected as a Member of Scientific Committee of International Scientific Guidance Conference

University of Kerbala announces selection of Head of Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Azirjawi, as a member of scientific committee of the Third International Scientific Guidance Conference which is entitled (The Role of Guidance in Addressing Societal Problems), which has been held under patronage of Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein and Head of Department of Family Guidance and Counseling, University of Warith Al-Anbiya.
The conference aims at establishing concepts of guidance in Islamic thought in general and in Ahl Albayt’s thought, as well to attract, focus and encourage researchers’ efforts to address important societal issues and problems in order to discuss them and finding out solutions.
The conference seeks to enhance process of exchanging experiences and knowledge among specialists in field of guidance in all its aspects.

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