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The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Organizes a Scientific Seminar on “Angular Kinematics in Sports Skills”

As part of its efforts to promote scientific research and expand knowledge in the sports field, the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala organized a scientific seminar titled “Angular Kinematics in Circular and Rotational Movements in Sports Skills” in the college’s discussion hall.

The seminar was delivered by specialized academics, including:

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bashair Hashim Abdul Wahid
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Linda Mahmoud Shakir

The event highlighted the significance of angular kinematics in analyzing sports movements, improving athletic performance, and advancing modern training methodologies. The discussions witnessed significant engagement from the attendees, who raised questions regarding the applications of these concepts in various sports disciplines.

The Acting Dean of the College, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khalid Mohammed Ridha, emphasized that such scientific seminars align with the college’s vision to foster academic innovation and equip both faculty and students with the latest scientific concepts.

This seminar represents another step in the college’s commitment to advancing scientific research and contributing to the development of local and international sports.

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