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Prof. Dr. Hussein Munati Sajet Participates in the Second International Scientific Conference at Tikrit University on the Digital Revolution in Sports Sciences: Visions and Applications

Three days ago, Prof. Dr. Hussein Munati Sajet participated in the Second International Scientific Conference organized by the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Tikrit University. The conference, held under the theme “The Digital Revolution in Sports Sciences: Visions and Applications,” brought together leading researchers and practitioners in the field.

Dr. Hussein presented a scientific paper titled “The Impact of Tabata Exercises on Developing Endurance and Accuracy in Some Complex Offensive Skills Concluding with Shooting in Basketball for Players Under 18 Years.”

In recognition of the significant results outlined in his research, which contribute to enhancing athletic performance, Dr. Hussein Munati was awarded the Sports Creativity Medal at the conclusion of the conference. He was also honored with a Certificate of Distinguished Participation for his outstanding scientific contributions to the field of sports sciences.

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