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Dean of the College of Physical Education Inspects Classrooms and Urges Students to Commit to Attendance

The Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Dr. Khaled Mohammed Al-Yasiri, accompanied by the Head of the Theoretical Sciences Department, Prof. Nadia Shakir, and the department rapporteur, Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Jabir, conducted an inspection of the classrooms in the college’s departments.

During his tour, Dr. Khaled reviewed the progress of the educational process and observed the students’ attendance at lectures. He emphasized the importance of adhering to the official attendance schedule as a fundamental aspect of the academic process. He also stressed the necessity of maintaining discipline to ensure the quality of education and enhance students’ academic and practical skills.

This visit is part of a series of initiatives taken by the college administration to strengthen interaction between students and faculty members and to create an optimal learning environment that fosters academic excellence.

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