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University of Kerbala Organizes a Workshop on Legal Framework to combat Crime of Trafficking in Human Organs

College of Education for Humanities, University of Kerbala has organized a training workshop on legal framework to combat crime of human organ trafficking.
Being delivered by Asst. Lect. . Alia Basim Muhammad, the workshop aims at raising awareness of crime of human organ trafficking, due to the importance of subject from both scientific and practical perspectives.
From a scientific perspective, it is represented by seriousness of this crime, which reveals weakness of international and domestic community in confronting it due to shortcomings in national and international legislation.
As for practical aspect, it is a crime that differs from traditional crimes, considering it one of extremely attractive topics that have emerged from modern dimensions of the crime, which is a danger that threatens the rule of law on the one hand, and location of crime is organs of human body on the other hand, which constitutes an assault on integrity of the body.
The workshop includes following topics defining the concept of crime of human organ trafficking, its characteristics, as well as clarifying punishment of crime in Iraqi law.

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