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University of Kerbala Organizes a Workshop on Enhancing Culture of Participation in Decision-Making

College of Education for Humanities, University of Kerbala organizes a workshop on enhancing culture of participation in decision-making.
To be delivered by Dr. Hassan Mohammed Kadhim Al-Jadhili, Dr. Muslim Hassan Khalif Al-Ghanimi, and Dr. Talat Al-Ghanimi, the workshop aims at defining concept of decision-making, developing their skills in analyzing problems and appropriate solutions, and then enhancing their ability to make informed and sustainable decisions, in addition to clarify relationship between ethics and sound decision-making.
The workshop includes meaning of decision-making, developing students’ skills in critical thinking and problem-solving, and increasing awareness of the importance of ethics and values ​​in decision-making, in addition to enhance their ability to work collectively through practical activities.

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