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University of Kerbala Holding a Workshop on Drug Prevention

College of Pharmacy / University of Kerbala has organized a workshop on drug risks and prevention methods, with participation of a number of researchers and specialists.
Being delivered by Dr. Istabraq Hussein Nasser and Asst. Lect. Yusra Ali Abdul Sayed, the course aims at raising awareness of types of drugs, causes of their spread, and their disastrous effects on individuals and society.
It also identifies the most prominent symptoms that appear on the user and nature of ways to prevent this dangerous scourge, as well as defining nature of necessary treatments to limit exacerbation of this disastrous phenomenon.
The course urges participants on the importance of working to raise awareness and identify ways to confront this scourge, which represents a major social, moral, and economic challenge at the country, regional, and global levels.

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