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Selection of Professor Dr. Haider Salman as a member of the editorial board of Al-Mustansiriya Journal of Physical Education Sciences

A lecturer at the College of Physical Education, University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Haider Salman, was chosen as a member of the editorial board of Al-Mustansiriya Journal of Physical Education Sciences, which is issued by the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Al-Mustansiriya University. In a statement to the Media and Relations Division, Dr. Salman explained that the magazine is considered one of the peer-reviewed scientific journals officially recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and aims to enhance scientific research and develop studies in the field of physical education and sports sciences.
It is noteworthy that Dr. Haider Salman owns Long experience in the academic field, where he currently holds the position of Editorial Director of the Karbala Journal of Sports Sciences, in addition to being the Editorial Director of Al-Maqala Journal of Sports Sciences, which is issued by the Association of Arab Academics, which reflects his great contributions to serving scientific research and developing academic content in this specialty. Bio.

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