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The College of Physical Education at the University of Karbala holds a training workshop on contemporary psychological laboratory techniques in the sports field

Under the patronage of the President of the University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Dr. Khaled Muhammad, the Theoretical Sciences Branch, in cooperation with the College’s Continuing Education Unit, held a training workshop entitled “Contemporary Psychological Laboratory Techniques and Its Applications in the Sports Field, and in the presence of the Dean, the heads of the branches, and elite From college professors and students

Dr. Zaman Saleh Abdul Hadi and Dr. Muntadhar Sahib Mahdi presented at the workshop in the college’s discussion hall.
The workshop aimed to present contemporary psychological laboratory techniques for mental, personal and psychological measurement and evaluation and its digital applications within the Vienna and Cogni Plus testing system and biofeedback in Various fields of psychology, including sports psychology, introducing the contemporary psychological laboratory and its digital technologies, as well as explaining the Vienna Sports Tests system for psychological and mental measurement and evaluation.
The workshop recommended the need to benefit from practical applications and technological innovations in sports psychology, in a way that contributes to raising efficiency and achieving excellence in sports performance.

This workshop comes within the framework of the college’s keenness to develop the academic and applied skills of participants and to enhance the use of modern technologies in the sports fields

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