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Postgraduate students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences extend their congratulations to the Acting Dean of the College

The Acting Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Dr. Khaled Muhammad, received in his office a group of postgraduate (PhD) students, who presented him with a bouquet of flowers as an expression of their congratulations and appreciation on the occasion of his assuming the position of Acting Dean of the College.

During the visit, the students praised the prominent role played by the Dean in raising the scientific and academic level of the college, and praised his distinguished efforts in developing the educational and research environment, which reflects his commitment to supporting the college’s students and contributing to their academic and professional progress.

For his part, Dr. Khaled Muhammad expressed his thanks and appreciation for this beautiful initiative, stressing his keenness to continue supporting the process of education and scientific research within the college, which contributes to achieving more successes at the local and international levels.

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