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A delegation from the College of Physical Education, University of Karbala, participates in the international scientific conference at the University of Anbar

The Administrative Assistant of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, Dr. Abbas Abdul Hamza, a number of college teachers, Professor Dr. Hasem Abdul Jabbar, M. M. Ali Hassoun, and a number of graduate students participated.
The Administrative Assistant said in a statement to the Media and Relations Division that our college delegation participated in the conference held by the College of Physical Education at Anbar University in cooperation with the College of Physical Education at the Universities of Samarra and the Universities of Private Knowledge, with membership in the scientific committees.

Explaining that researchers from various Iraqi universities participated in the conference, along with researchers from 12 Arab and foreign countries, indicating that the conference topics were in the field of applications of sports physiology, biomechanics, motor analysis, and sports psychology, as well as topics in the rehabilitation of sports injuries, motor learning, sports management, curricula, teaching methods, tests, and measurement. Most recently, healthy nutrition and exercise for the elderly.

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