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The College of Physical Education evaluates: A scientific workshop entitled (Using scientific research engines – finding scientific sources and dissertations)

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala organized a scientific workshop entitled (Using scientific search engines – finding scientific sources and dissertations), in which the faculty lecturer, Professor Dr. Haider Salman Al-Subaihawi, lectured, with the participation and presence of postgraduate students (Master’s and PhD) from the college and other university colleges. And in the discussion room.
The workshop aimed to: introduce global scientific research engines and websites through which international scientific journals, dissertations, and dissertations can be viewed, for more than 20 free and non-free websites.
The workshop included learning how to register in the search engine Scholar, Scientific Researcher for scientists, how to cite scientific research, official translation sites, and scientific extraction sites.
It is worth noting that the workshop opened the door to questions and discussion to spread scientific interest at all levels.

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