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Head of the Theoretical Sciences Branch: Member of the doctoral thesis discussion committee at Sulaymaniyah University

The Head of the Theoretical Sciences Branch at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Assistant Professor Dr. Hussein Manati Sajat, participated in the membership of the committee discussing the doctoral thesis of the student (Faisal Ghazi Nouri) for his thesis entitled (The effect of tactical skills training using the station method according to energy systems on some physical variables Functionality and performance level of advanced basketball players) in the discussion room at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Sulaymaniyah University.
He said in a statement made specifically to the college media department:
These scientific contributions will increase
From scientific interaction and knowledge exchange, I extend my thanks to the Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Sulaymaniyah for the warm reception, and I extend my congratulations to the researcher and the supervisor, with my sincere wishes for progress and scientific progress for all.

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