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Dr. Khaled Muhammad is a member of the doctoral thesis discussion committee at the University of Babylon

The Scientific Assistant at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, Dr. Khaled Muhammad, was chosen as a member of a public discussion committee for his doctoral thesis at the University of Babylon. The Scientific Assistant said in a statement to the Media and Relations Division that he was chosen as a member of the committee to discuss a doctoral thesis at the College of Physical Education, University of Babylon, tagged (The impact of CORE exercises in… Developing some bio-motor abilities and skill performance of football players under (17 years old)) by researcher Amir Shafi Aliwi
Explaining that the thesis aims to prepare CORE exercises to develop some of the bio-motor capabilities and skill performance of football players under 17 years of age. And to identify the effect of CORE exercises in developing some bio-motor capabilities and skill performance of football players under 17 years of age, noting that the thesis recommended the necessity
Relying on the results of the research in determining the vocabulary of exercises (CORE) in developing some bio-motor abilities and skill performance and programming them among emerging players in the special preparation stage, and the necessity of using (CORE) exercises in training some bio-motor abilities in a way that is compatible with the level of players and their level of development.
The Deanship of the College presented a letter of thanks and appreciation to Dr. Khaled Muhammad in appreciation of his distinguished academic efforts.

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