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The College of Physical Education conducts tests for students applying for direct admission for the academic year 2023/2024 in various scientific, literary, vocational and Al-Shuhadaa Channel tests.

The relevant committees at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Karbala, under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College and follow-up by the Scientific Associate, Dr. Khaled Muhammad, and the Administrative Associate, Dr. Abbas Abdel Hamza, conducted physical and skill tests for students applying for direct admission to the college for the academic year 2023/2024.
The Scientific Assistant, Dr. Khaled Muhammad, said in a statement to the Media and Relations Division at the college that the specialized committees conducted physical and skill tests for the various applicants (boys) and (girls) from all martyrs, scientific, literary, vocational, and primary channels, stressing that the college was the only one to approve them for the fourth year. Respectively, there is a special method for calculating standard scores through the use of an electronic program for this purpose in order to facilitate the testing process, praising at the same time all the efforts made by the committees charged with supervising the tests.
Explaining that the tests for the boys students took place on the youth playground
The female students’ tests took place on the college’s playgrounds.

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