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A specific lecture at the College of Physical Education on anatomy and its relationship in the sports field

Under the sponsorship of the Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, the college established
A qualitative lecture entitled Anatomy and its importance in the sports field, in the graduate studies hall at the college
The head of the theoretical sciences branch, Mr. M. Dr. Hussein Manati said in a statement to the Media and Relations Division that its goal is to learn about everything new in the field of sports anatomy and the latest techniques and devices for sports rehabilitation and sports injuries.
He pointed out that it comes within the special preparations for the current academic year, as the lecture explained the science of sports anatomy, its importance, its concept, and its relationship to the sports field, and Eng. lectured in it. Dr. Muhammad Jaloub
Pointing out that the lecture is filled with discussions and opening the door to neighborliness with the professors attending and answering all questions in this field.

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