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a. Dr. Wissam Salah, Chairman of the Master’s Thesis Discussion Committee at Samarra University

A teacher at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Wissam Salah, was chosen as the head of the committee to discuss a master’s thesis at the University of Samarra.
Salah said in a statement to the Department of Media and Relations that he was chosen as the head of the committee to discuss a master’s thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Samarra, by the student Muhammad Jassim Muhammad, which is tagged: The effect of special exercises using assistive tools according to the Barman model on mental motivation and learning some basic skills on the ground movement mat. Artistic gymnastics for students
He explained that the thesis aimed to prepare special exercises using auxiliary tools according to the Barman model on mental motivation and learning the artistic performance of some floor movements in gymnastics, and to identify the differences between the pre- and post-tests of the experimental and control research groups in mental motivation and learning the artistic performance of some floor movements in gymnastics.
Indicating that the thesis concluded that the exercises for using assistive tools prepared in the current study according to the Barman model showed a positive effect on mental motivation and learning basic skills in the game of gymnastics for the experimental research sample represented by first-level students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Samarra, in addition to the superiority of the group Experimental research on the control group on mental motivation and learning some basic skills in the game of gymnastics showed the preference for using exercises related to using assistive tools prepared in the current study according to the Barman model and in terms of the discrepancy in the results of the post-tests for the two groups.
The Deanship of the College presented a letter of thanks and appreciation to Dr. Wissam Salah in appreciation of his distinguished scientific efforts

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