Teaching selection at the College of Physical Education as assistant coach for the Iraqi national rugby sevens team

He was chosen as a teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Karbala University
M. Dr. Muhammad Jallab Aidan, assistant coach of the Iraqi national rugby team
Aidan said in a statement to the Media and Relations Division that he was chosen as an assistant coach for the Iraqi national rugby team, Hamid Reda
He explained that the team’s training staff is following the league competitions to select the team’s players, noting that the Iraqi Rugby Sevens League competitions for the year 2023 started a few days ago in the capital, Baghdad, in order to follow up the levels of Iraqi players in the clubs participating in the league competitions, indicating that the training staff believes that the competitions of the first day of the league were strong between the teams Which has in its ranks young players who have enough individual skill to be professional in this sport and that it needs more development.