Prof. Dr. Samer Abdel-Hadi is a member of the discussion committee for a master’s thesis at the University of Baghdad

Professor Dr. Samer Abdel Hadi was chosen
A member of the committee to discuss a master’s thesis at the University of Baghdad
Abdul-Hadi said, in a statement to the Media and Relations Division, that he was chosen as a member of the committee to discuss a master’s thesis at the College of Physical Education, University of Baghdad, which was submitted by the student, Hussein Reda Abdul-Hussein.
And tagged the effect of a training field in Lake Razzaza on the development of cardiorespiratory fitness and some special physical abilities of young boxers
Explaining that the discussion committee consisted of
1. Prof. Dr. Haider Faeq Ali… President… University of Baghdad
2. a. Dr. Samer Abdul Hadi Ahmed… Member… University of Karbala
3. Dr.. Saeed Ahmed Saeed.. Member.. University of Baghdad
4. Dr.. Muwaffaq Abis Khudair.. Supervisor of the University of Baghdad
The Deanship of the College presented a letter of thanks and appreciation to Dr. Samer Abdel-Hadi, appreciating his outstanding scientific efforts