The Faculty of Physical Education discusses a master’s thesis entitled (The Effect of Bell Blocks Training with the Downward Repetition Method on Forms of Strength, Speed, Rapid Fatigue, and Achievement for 200-meter Runners under 20 Years Old)

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala discussed the master’s thesis of the student (Hassan Rahim Wahib), which was titled (The Effect of Bell Blocks Training in the Downward Repetition Method on Forms of Strength, Speed, Rapid Fatigue, and Achievement for 200-meter Runners Under 20 Years) and on the discussion hall in the college.
The thesis, which consisted of five chapters, aimed at: Preparing kettlebell exercises with the descending repetition method, and identifying the effect of kettlebell exercises with the descending repetition method to develop forms of strength, speed, rapid fatigue, and the completion of the 200-meter sprint under 20 years old, as well as identifying the preference effect between kettlebell exercises with the descending repetition method of the experimental group and the exercises of the control group in developing forms of strength, speed, rapid fatigue, and the completion of the 200-meter sprint under 20 years old.
The thesis recommended the need to: Adopt kettlebell exercises using the downward repetition method, because of its positive impact on the development of physical capabilities (explosive ability of the legs and arms – strength distinguished by speed for the legs and arms – motor response speed – acceleration phase – maximum speed – rapid fatigue – strength endurance), and preparing kettlebell exercises using the downward repetition method because of its modern style in sports training, as well as conducting similar studies and other physical capabilities and various sporting events
It is worth noting that the discussion committee consisted of:
Prof. Ahmed Mortada Abdel-Hussein / University of Karbala / Chairman
Prof. Ghaffar Saad Issa / University of Wasit / member
Prof. Dr. Bashir Hashim Abdel Wahed / University of Karbala / member
Prof. Dr. Alaa Fleeh Jawad / University of Karbala / member and supervisor