A master’s thesis at the Faculty of Physical Education discusses the effect of exercises similar to playing with auxiliary means on some motor abilities and touch accuracy of the stabbing and arrow movements of swordsmen under 15 years old

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, discussed a master’s thesis entitled The Effect of Exercises Similar to Playing with Assistive Devices on Some Motor Abilities and Touch Accuracy of the Stabbing and Arrow Movements of Fencing Sword Players Under 15 Years
The thesis submitted by student Mustafa Ali Latif included five chapters
The study aimed to prepare exercises similar to play to develop the most important motor abilities and the performance of arrow skills and the accuracy of stabbing, and to know the effect of these exercises on the cubs swordplay weapon players, as well as to identify the effect of similar positions to play in developing the arrow skill and the accuracy of the stabbing sword weapon players for the members of the research sample
The thesis recommended the need to raise the level of fencing players and qualify them to represent their country in the regional, international and Olympic tournaments. These recommendations included the need to use exercises similar to play and suggested by the researcher in the training process for their impact on developing motor abilities (balance, compatibility and agility), as well as some basic skills in the sword game in particular and the sport of fencing in general. And the aids used in it to obtain appropriate adaptation, especially with age groups, as well as work to develop and innovate many exercises similar to playing in a way that serves achievement in the sport of fencing.
This has consisted of the discussion committee of
1. a. Dr. Alaa Fleih… University of Karbala… Chairman
2.a. M. Dr. Naseer Hamid Karim.. Diyala University, member
3.a. M. Dr.. Ahmed Khudair Abbas.. University of Karbala, member
4. a. M. Dr. Alaa Muhammad Zahir.. Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University. member
5. a. M. Dr. Khaled Muhammad Al-Yasiri… University of Karbala… member and supervisor