Teaching selection at the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Karbala a. Dr. Wissam Salah is a member of the Badminton Committee of the Iraqi Scientific Sports Association

The teacher at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Wissam Salah, was chosen as a member of the Badminton Committee of the Iraqi Scientific Sports Association
Salah said in a statement to the College’s Media and Relations Division
He was chosen as a member of the badminton committee in the Iraqi Sports Scientific Association, the individual games branch, along with a number of specialized professors from various Iraqi universities.
Explaining that the committee consisted of a. Dr. Majid Aziz Lafta from the University of Maysan, Chairman and prof. Dr. Wissam Salah, a member of the University of Karbala, a member. Dr. Khalifa Ibrahim Khalil from the University of Babylon, member and prof. M. Dr. Muhammad Jalal Faizullah from the University of Sulaymaniyah, member and wa. M. Dr. Mustafa Muhammad Ali Ferjan, member of Wasit University
He added that the association is affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and specializes in the academic sports aspect and the development of aspects related to games taught in colleges, in addition to the various cognitive aspects.