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Master’s thesis at the Faculty of Physical Education discusses: The effect of suspended training (TRX) on some biokinetic abilities and scoring skill of young soccer players

In the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, a discussion of the student’s master’s thesis (Ahmed Hamid Baki’ Taher), which was tagged and titled (The Impact of Suspended Training (TRX) on Some Biokinetic Capabilities and the Scoring Skill of Young Football Players) took place in the discussion hall and in the presence of the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs And scientific and a number of professors and affiliates of the college and the students’ families.
The aim of the thesis was to prepare functional exercises using suspended training (TRX).
For young soccer players and to identify its effect on some forms of strength and skill of scoring in football, and to identify the preference of influence between the experimental and control groups in some forms of strength and skill of scoring in soccer.
The thesis recommended the need to use the TRX skill because of its importance in developing bio-motor abilities and other skills for young or advanced soccer players or any other games that have the same performance requirements.
It is worth noting that the discussion committee consisted of:
Prof. Dr. Hasim Abdul-Jabbar Saleh / University of Karbala / Chairman
Prof. Dr. Hassan Ali Hussein / University of Karbala / member
Prof. Dr. Taher Yahya Ibrahim/ University of Babylon/ member
Prof. Dr. Rafid Saad Hadi / University of Karbala / member and supervisor

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