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Active participation of a teacher in the College of Physical Education in the Second International Forum for Teaching Methods and Motor Learning at Diyala University

Professor Dr. Wissam Salah Abdul-Hussein, a teacher at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, participated in the Second International Forum for Teaching Methods and Motor Learning in Diyala University, which was held under the slogan (The role of teaching methods and motor learning in the educational process) on March 19-20, 2023 Specialists from various Iraqi and Arab universities participated in it.
Prof. Dr. Wissam Salah Abd al-Hussein Bensareh, singled out by the Department of Media and Relations at the College, said: The aim of the conference is to present modern scientific ideas in the field of motor learning and methods of teaching physical education and sports sciences, through the exchange of experiences and advanced scientific discussions between scientists and specialists in Arab and Iraqi universities, to add Scientific and specialized insights that serve the distinguished scientific progress of the faculties and departments of physical education and sports sciences in all Iraqi universities.
He added: I participated in the forum with a scientific lecture entitled (How does the brain learn) and expressed his thanks to the University of Diyala and to the Deanship of the College of Basic Education for this wonderful organization and this diverse scientific and cultural gathering in all fields of sports, stressing that such forums are important in the process of knowledge and cultural exchange in Iraqi universities In Arabic, ideas and knowledge mix, in order to create a scientific atmosphere that reflects positively on the entire educational and academic process.

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