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The Faculty of Physical Education participates in the activities of the launch of the Al-Husseini International Small Festival in its seventh edition

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala participated in the launch of the Al-Husseini Small International Festival in its seventh edition, which is organized by the Holy Hussaini Shrine
The head of the Scouting Activities Committee at the university, Dr. Samer Abdel-Hadi, said that the students of our college participated in a massive scouting march after the guidance and follow-up of the President of the University, the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Cultural, academic and humanitarian among the countries of the world
He explained that the scouts of our students, who led the march, raised 16 flags for the Arab and foreign countries participating in the festival, in addition to the Iraqi flags and the flags of the festival.
Amid great interaction, admiration and fascination with Kardous by the audience and guests who attended the festival.

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