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كلية التربية البدنية تجري امتحان شامل لاحد طلبة الدكتوراه بالكلية

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala conducted a comprehensive exam for a doctoral student at the college
The lecturer at our college, the head of the committee, said that the comprehensive test was conducted for the doctoral student, Haider Rashid Madloul, in the discussion hall of the college.
Indicating that the examination committee consisted of
1. a. Dr. Talib Hussein Al-Masoudi.. Chairman. College of Physical Education, Karbala University
2. a. M. Dr. Hossam Ghaleb Abdel-Hussein, member of the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Karbala
3. a. M. Dr. Abbas Abdul Hamza Kazem.. College of Physical Education, University of Karbala
4. Prof. Dr. Hassanein Abdul-Kadhim Fayrouz, member of the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Kufa
5a. Dr. Hasim Abdul-Jabbar Saleh.. member and supervisor of the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Karbala
6. a.m. Dr. Abeer Ali Hussein.. member and supervisor of the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Karbala

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