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The Faculty of Physical Education certifies: Discussion of a seminar frame entitled (The Effect of Interval Lactate Offensive Exercises on Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Some Special Endurance Capacity, and Snatch Punch Performance for Boxers Under 19 Years Old)

The discussion committee discussed the framework of a master’s student’s seminar (Jassim Fadhel Rasan), which was titled (The Effect of Offensive Exercises in the Lactate Interval Method on Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Some Special Endurance Capacity, and the Performance of the Snatch Punch for Boxers Under 19 Years) in the presence of the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Abbas Abdul Hamza Kazem And the Director of the Postgraduate Studies Division, Assistant Professor Samer Abdel-Hadi Ahmed.
The discussion committee consisted of:
Mr. Dr. Hussein Hassoun Abbas / Chairman
Prof. Dr. Thuraya Jawid Moheen / member
Dr. Muhammad Jaber Kazem / member
Dr. Ali Hassan Nema / member

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