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The College of Physical Education evaluates: the sixth annual endurance scout tour in the city of Al-Razzazah

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala held the sixth annual endurance scouting tour for first-stage students, with direct support and supervision by the President of the University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Basem Nayel Al-Saeedi.
For his part, Assistant Professor Dr. Samer Abdel-Hadi Ahmed, Head of the Follow-up and Coordination Committee, confirmed: This scouting tour, which was held by the college in its sixth edition for this year 2023, in which 40 teachers and a number of employees and 250 students from the University of Karbala participated, as students of the first stage of the two studies participated morning and evening sessions in the college, in addition to the participation of five teams from the university’s faculties, namely (the College of Engineering, the College of Agriculture, the College of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Education for Human Sciences, and the College of Pharmacy).
Noting the importance of the great efforts, logistical and security support, and the services provided by the Operations Command, the Holy Karbala Governorate Police, and the al-Abbas’s (p) holy shrine for the success and enrichment of this tour.
On the other hand, Assistant Professor Dr. Khaled Muhammad Reda, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, confirmed: The participants embodied the spirit of love and cooperation among them, and through this scouting tour we are sending a message of peace and love from the land of Karbala to the whole world.
On a related scale, Assistant Professor Dr. Abbas Abdel-Hamza Kazem, Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs, confirmed: On behalf of the Deanship of the College, I extend my sincere thanks to the President of Karbala University, Prof. Dr. Basem Nayel Al-Saeedi, for his continuous support for the college, and to all the committees that contributed to this great work and to the teaching and functional staffing And the students of the college for the spirit of cooperation and love, and he also thanked the teaching staff and participating students from the colleges of the university.
Among the professors participating in the tour: The importance of this tour comes from the importance of developing the social spirit of the participants, deepening the bonds of brotherhood between them, expanding the intellectual and mental perceptions of the participating youth, instilling positive values in the hearts of the youth to protect the environment, developing the physical fitness of the participants, and discovering the latent talents of the youth. And sponsorship, as well as spreading the spirit of volunteer work.
Recommended by those responsible for this work on the importance
Scout work because it enhances self-confidence and makes a person always motivated to work and give. When the student interacts with his teachers and with age groups older than him, such as leaders, this gives him another social skill, which is respect for the elderly, especially since scout education rewards the hardworking and motivates the laggard to work. Here, the positive effect appears, as he deals with a person older than him, and the leader guides him, teaches him, and pushes him to work with kindness and firmness.
In addition, a complete life in the bosom of nature makes the human scout think about creation and the Creator, which makes him more adherent to religious values, morals and worship, and this is a positive reflection on his life.

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