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With the end of the first semester approaching, the Council of the Theoretical Sciences Branch in the College of Physical Education holds a meeting to discuss some organizational matters

The Council of the Theoretical Sciences Branch at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala held a meeting to discuss some organizational matters for students, in the discussion hall
The head of the branch a. M. Dr. Hussein Manati, the Council of Theoretical Sciences Branch held a consensus to discuss some important matters that are in the interest of the educational process, as the subject of field visits for applied students was emphasized and students were directed to adhere to attendance according to the ministerial calendar and follow-up on graduation research by the teaching brothers in preparation for the establishment of the annual conference to discuss student graduation projects
Indicating that the meeting also discussed some matters related to scientific activities by urging the teachers to hold scientific workshops for postgraduate students, the aim of which is to keep pace with the global development in the field of physical education sciences.
Praising the scientific efforts made by the professors of the branch in service of the scientific and educational process, wishing everyone continued success and success in the service of our dear college

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