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Dr. Rafid Saad Hadi is a member of the Master’s Thesis Defense Committee

A teacher was chosen at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Karbala University. M. Dr. Rafid Saad Hadi, a member of the committee to discuss a master’s thesis at the College of Physical Education, University of Baghdad
Hadi said, in a statement to the Department of Information and Relations at the college, that he was chosen in the discussion committee of the student, Daria Al-Jaf, who was tagged
The effect of exercises similar to isokinetics with supplement (BCAA) in the development of special strength and offensive skills in youth volleyball
Indicating that the discussion committee consisted of
a. Dr. Suhad Qassem Al-Musawi, Chairman
a. Dr. Mohammed Saleh Fleih. member
a. M. Dr. Rafid Saad Hadi. member
a. M. Dr. Samah Noureddine, member and supervisor
The Deanship of the College presented a letter of thanks and appreciation to Dr. Rafid Saad, appreciating his distinguished scientific efforts

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