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The Faculty of Physical Education is witnessing the approval of a PhD research topic entitled (The effectiveness of a learning approach using the srroflett & stoddart model in creative thinking and learning some basic tennis skills for students)

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences witnessed the approval of a PhD research topic submitted by the student Ahmed Hamza Abdel-Hassan entitled (The effectiveness of a learning curriculum using the srroflett & stoddart model in creative thinking and learning some basic tennis skills for students)
The approval committee consisted of:
Prof. Dr. Talib Hussein Hamzah / University of Karbala / Chairman
Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Abdul-Ridha / University of Al-Qadisiyah / member
Prof. Dr. Samer Abdel-Hadi Ahmed / University of Karbala / member
Prof. Dr. Abeer Ali Hussein / University of Karbala / member
Prof. Dr. Muslim Muhammad Sabit / University of Kufa / Aswa
Prof. Dr. Wissam Salah Abdel-Hussein / Karbala University / member and supervisor

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