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The Faculty of Physical Education is witnessing the approval of a master’s research topic entitled ((Crisis Management in terms of Professional Awareness and Strategic Analysis (Swot) in Sports Clubs and Federations))

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala witnessed the approval of a master’s research topic entitled ((Crisis Management in terms of Professional Awareness and Strategic Analysis (Swot) in Sports Clubs and Federations)) for the student (Sahira Hassan Hussein) and on the discussion hall in the college and the discussion committee was formed Both of:
Prof. Dr. Haider Salman Mohsen / University of Karbala / Chairman
Prof. Dr. Ghassan Muhammad Abd al-Sada / University of Kufa / member
Dr. Muhammad Jaber Kazem / University of Karbala / member
Prof. Dr. Amer Hussein Ali / Karbala University / member and supervisor

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