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The College of Education witnesses approval of the title of a doctoral thesis on the effect of exercises accompanied by the smart system on some harmonious abilities and basic skills of handball goalkeepers at ages (13-15))

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala witnessed the approval of the title of the doctoral thesis of the student, Hussein Mahdi Saleh, who was marked
(The effect of exercises accompanied by the smart system on some harmonious abilities and basic skills of handball goalkeepers at ages (13-15))
The committee consisted of
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Khamis Radi, President of the University of Baghdad
Prof. Dr. Hussein Hassoun Abbas, a member of the University of Karbala
Prof. Dr. Hardan Aziz Salman, member of Al-Mustansiriya University
Prof. Dr. Hossam Ghaleb Abdel-Hussein, member of the University of Karbala
Prof. Dr. Rafid Saad Hadi, a member of Karbala University
Prof. Dr. Hasim Abdul Habbar Saleh, member and supervisor of the University of Karbala

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