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Lecturer in the Faculty of Physical Education: Participates in two papers at the first Arab International Scientific Conference in the Kingdom of Bahrain

The lecturer at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Professor Dr. International Football Referee Aziz Karim Wanas, participated in the first Arab International Scientific Conference (Arab Sport.. Reality and Ambition) in the Kingdom of Bahrain with two scientific papers, the first solo and the second joint with the teacher, Dr. Ali Hammoud Abdel-Zahra, College of Education for Pure Sciences Karbala University.
Wanas said in a statement to the Department of Information and Relations at the college that he participated in the first Arab International Scientific Conference in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Bahrain, in the presence of a large number of researchers from Arab countries in the field of sports, including Dr. Risan Khraibet. The conference achieved its scientific objectives through lectures, scientific and academic papers and research that were discussed during the period 29 – 10/31/2022
The conference aimed to continue developing Arab sports in its various branches and different games, enriching the sports movement, a quantum leap in the path of Arab sports, towards a better future for Arab sports, sublime sponsorship and a noble goal. The conference achieved its scientific objectives by addressing the imbalance in the joints of Arab sports.
The Deanship of the College of Physical Education congratulated Dr. Aziz Karim for this distinguished scientific step to represent the university and the college in international scientific and sports forums, wishing him continued success in his Arab, scientific and Iraqi tasks, as he is an Arab lecturer in the Arab Federation and an Iraqi in the Football Association in Karbala in support of the Arab sports movement in general. and Iraq in particular
It is worth noting that the international football referee and teacher at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Dr. Aziz Karim, is a resident of football referees in the Iraqi Premier League in the Iraqi Central Football Association in the Central Referees Committee. He has technical, scientific and practical experience as a former player for Karbala Club, Al-Taf Club and the Workers Club. He is a director of the college’s media, a sports journalist, and an editor for the university’s newspaper and magazine previously. He has scientific experience in the academic, Arab, and media fields. He specializes in the field of sports psychology and football. He has many Arab and Iraqi researches and participations in local, Arab, and international scientific conferences.

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