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Prof. Dr. Amer Hussein Ali, Chairman of the Committee to Discuss a Master’s Thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Al-Mustansiriya University

The instructor at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Amer Hussein Ali, was chosen as the head of the discussion committee for a master’s thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Al-Mustansiriya University, which was presented by the student (Nabil Abbas Hammadi)
And tagged (the effectiveness of administrative performance and its relationship to the competitive advantage of the federations of racket games from the point of view of members of the sub-federations in Iraq), and the discussion committee consisted of:
1. Prof. Amer Hussein Ali – College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – University of Karbala – President
2. Prof. Dr. Haider Hassan Lafta / Al-Mustansiriya University – College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Member
3. a. M. Dr.. Rana Turki Naji – College of Basic Education / Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Al-Mustansiriya University
4. Prof. Salah Wahab Shaker / University of Baghdad – College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – supervisor.
The Dean of the College presented Dr. Amer Hussein Ali a letter of thanks and appreciation in appreciation of his distinguished scientific efforts

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