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Dr. Hussein Manati is a member of a scientific committee to approve the title of a master’s thesis at the University of Kufa, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

The head of the theoretical sciences branch at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Prof. Dr. Hussein Manati, was chosen as a member of a scientific committee to approve the title of the master’s thesis at the University of Kufa, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, which was presented by the student Mustafa Adel Alwan and marked by arbitration competence in terms of the most important psychological and visual abilities And the physical and kinetic abilities of the first-class basketball referees in Iraq
The discussion committee consisted of
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yasser University of Kufa President
Prof. Dr. Hussein Manati .. University of Karbala as a member
Prof. Dr. Hassanein Juma .. University of Kufa Member
Prof. Dr. Ayman Hani Abed .. University of Kufa, member and supervisor

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