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The College of Physical Education is witnessing Adoption of a master’s topic entitled (The effect of an educational curriculum using the George Polia model on creative thinking and learning some basic badminton skills for female students)

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala witnessed the approval of the research topic of the master’s student (Shams Haider Muhammad Ali), which was titled (The effect of an educational curriculum using the model of George Polia in creative thinking and learning some basic badminton skills for female students). The discussion committee met with:
Prof. Dr. Samer Abdel Hadi Ahmed/ Head
Prof. Dr. Abeer Ali Hussein / Member / University of Karbala
Dr. Khaled Ali Hassoun / Member / Wasit University
Prof. Wissam Salah Abdel Hussein / member and supervisor / University of Karbala

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