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A study at the Faculty of Physical Education discussing functional strength training and its effect on some physical abilities, motor transport index, and the skills of serving and crushing for advanced volleyball players

The College of Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of Karbala discussed a master’s thesis entitled Functional strength training and its effect on some physical abilities, motor transport index, serve and crushing skills for advanced volleyball players
The study presented by the researcher Azhar Maghoul and Saf included four chapters
The study aimed to identify the effect of functional strength training on some physical abilities and the motor transfer index for the transmission and crushing skills of the research sample, as well as to identify the effect preference between the experimental and control groups in the research variables.
The study recommended the need to use physical strength exercises because of its positive impact on the development of physical abilities.
The discussion committee consisted
1. Prof. Haider Salman…University of Karbala..President
2. Prof. Hassem Abdul-Jabbar…University of Karbala..member
3. A.M.D. Nagham Saleh Nehme..Babylon University..Member
4. Professor Rafid Al-Muhanna, member and supervisor

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