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Dr. Abbas Abdel Hamza is a member of the Master’s Thesis Discussion Committee at the University of Diyala

The Assistant Dean of Administration at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Dr. Abbas Abdel Hamza, was chosen as a member of the discussion committee for a master’s thesis in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, College of Basic Education, University of Diyala, which was submitted by the student (Ali Hassan Muhammad) and tagged the effect of educational units on a model Marzano in attention control and learned some basic handball skills for students. The committee consisted of:
Prof. Dr. Nabil Mahmoud Shaker .. Diyala University President
Prof. Dr. Abbas Abdel Hamza Kazem, University of Karbala, Member
Prof. Dr. Naseer Hamid Karim, University of Diyala Member
Prof. Haider Shaker Mazhar, University of Diyala, member and supervisor
The Deanship of the College presented a letter of thanks and appreciation to Dr. Abbas Abdel Hamza in appreciation of his distinguished scientific efforts, who in turn expressed his thanks and gratitude to the Assistant President of Diyala University, Prof. Dr. Haider Shaker Mezher, and Dean of the College of Basic Education, University of Diyala, Prof. Abd al-Rahman Nasser Rashid
And the Head of the Physical Education Department, Prof. Dr. Nasr Hamid Karim, for the generous hospitality and warm reception.

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