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Head of Theoretical Sciences Branch, Dr. Hussein Manati, a member of the Master’s Thesis Discussion Committee at the University of Al-Muthanna

The instructor at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala and the Head of the Theoretical Sciences Branch was chosen as a member of a scientific discussion committee for a master’s thesis at the University of Al-Muthanna _ College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, which was presented by the student (Mustafa Abdel Karim) and tagged the effect of qualitative exercises and eating dandelion on some indicators of oxidative stress and physical abilities And the compound offensive skills in youth football
The discussion committee consisted of
1. Prof. Dr. Aqil Muslim Abdel Hussein, President
2. Prof. Dr. Hussein Manati, University of Karbala, Member
3. Prof. Dr. Khaled Odeh Kechiche, University of Al-Muthanna, Member
4. Prof. Dr. Habib Shaker, University of Al-Muthanna, Member
The Dean of the College of Physical Education, University of Al-Muthanna presented a letter of thanks and appreciation to Dr. Hussein Manati in appreciation of his distinguished scientific efforts
For his part, Dr. Hussein Manati expressed his thanks, appreciation, and gratitude to the Deanship of the College, the Graduate Studies Unit, the College Council, and all faculty members for the kind hospitality and warm reception.

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