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Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education, Prof. Dr. Habib Al-Husseini, Chairman of the Committee to Discuss a Master’s Thesis at the University of Samarra

The Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Habib Ali Taher, chaired a scientific discussion committee, a master’s thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Samarra, which was submitted by the student (Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed and tagged
(The effect of compound exercises using (Kettlebell) in developing some types of muscle strength and the accuracy of offensive skills in volleyball for applicants)
The study aimed to
Preparing compound exercises using (Kettlebell) to develop strength characterized by speed and explosive power and the skills of crushing hitting and offensive blocking in volleyball, and identifying the effect of compound exercises using (Kettlebell) in developing the two characteristics of strength characterized by speed and explosive power.
The Dean of the College of Physical Education at the University of Samarra presented a letter of thanks and appreciation to Prof. Dr. Habib Ali Taher in appreciation of his distinguished scientific efforts. On his part, the Dean expressed his thanks and gratitude to the Dean of the College and the members of the discussion committee for the warm hospitality and reception.

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