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The teacher of the College of Physical Education is a member of the PhD student discussion committee at the University of Al-Qadisiyah

Professor Dr. Haider Salman was chosen as a member of a scientific discussion committee for a PhD student at the University of Al-Qadisiyah
Salman said, in a statement to the Department of Media and Relations at the college, that he was chosen as a member of the scientific committee formed at the College of Physical Education, University of Al-Qadisiyah, to discuss the doctoral thesis submitted by researcher Ahmed Kamel Mubadder, which is tagged with the effectiveness of instrumental enrichment on e-learning platforms in the collection of material teaching methods of physical education for students of the second stage and the elements of successful teaching.
Noting that the thesis dealt with the adoption of electronic platforms to study the effect of the educational mediated enrichment strategy on students, and the results showed the effectiveness of educational electronic platforms and the ability of electronic education in teaching academic subjects.
This study comes after the conditions of the pandemic and the emergence of the large spread of electronic platforms as an important educational means during the epidemic period
Expressing his thanks to the Dean of the College for the good reception and organization, and to the Chairman and members of the discussion committee for their active scientific contribution to the success of this distinguished scientific activity.

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