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Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Prof. Dr. Habib Ali Taher, Chairman of the Committee for Discussing a Doctoral Thesis at the Faculty of Physical Education, Al-Mustansiriya University

The Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Prof. Dr. Habib Ali Taher chaired the discussion committee for a doctoral thesis for a doctoral student at the College of Physical Education at Al-Mustansiriya University
The Dean said in a statement to the Information Division that he chaired the discussion committee for the student Hassan Haider Daoud’s thesis (the effect of occasional training according to the nature of the activity and the training environment in the transitional period to preserve some of the physical and skill abilities of advanced volleyball players), indicating that the discussion committee consisted of
1 Prof. Dr. Habib Ali Taher/ University of Karbala – College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – President
2 a.d. Sana Khalil Obaid / Al-Mustansiriya University – College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Member
3 A.D. Basem Hassan Ghazi / University of Kufa – Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Member
4 Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daye Muhammad/ Tikrit University – College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Member
5 a.d. Ali Manati Ahmed / Al-Mustansiriya University – College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Member
6 a.d. Ali Sabhan Sakhi / Al-Mustansiriya University – College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – supervisor.
He stressed that the study discussed how to prepare volleyball players physically and skillfully, and then the possibility of performing a successful attack that culminates in scoring points, as this requires exercises performed by appropriate training methods and methods, and maintaining this level when moving from one training period to another, maintaining an appropriate level of physical abilities and skill for players
Pointing out that the study emphasized the necessity of applying occasional exercises according to the nature of the activity and the training environment in the transitional period, which is one of the modern methods currently used, as well as an important factor to break the monotony of the training curriculum and because of its positive impact in maintaining some physical and skill abilities in sports effectiveness.
The Dean expressed his thanks and gratitude to the Dean of the College of Physical Education at Al-Mustansiriya University, the assistants, the Graduate Studies Division of the college, the members of the committee and the supervisors for the hospitality and reception.

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