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A study at the Faculty of Physical Education discusses the effect of simultaneous training with different angled surfaces of the feet in developing some bio-kinetic abilities and the accuracy of endurance of the skillful performance of Taekwondo youth

The Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Prof. Dr. Habib Ali Taher, chaired the committee for the public scientific discussion of the doctoral thesis submitted by the student Abdul Sattar Khudhair Abbas Al-Dafii, which is tagged with the effect of simultaneous training with different angled surfaces of the feet in developing some bio-kinetic abilities and the accuracy of carrying the skill performance of Taekwondo youth
The study aimed to use a training method that combines in its training idea the merging of the elements of endurance and strength in one training framework and in accordance with the performance system in Taekwondo and with different angled surfaces for the feet and preparing exercises with different angle surfaces for the feet and applying them in a simultaneous training method with an indication of their impact on developing some bio-kinetic abilities And the accuracy of enduring the skillful performance of Taekwondo youth
The study recommended the necessity of using the exercises prepared by the researcher in a simultaneous training method with different angle surfaces of the feet in training club and team players because of their positive impact in developing their bio-kinetic capabilities and their performance of the front and back semicircular kicks in Taekwondo and emphasizing on building the efficiency of the muscular capacity of the muscles working on the foot in a way It is true that there is a change in the development of their bio-kinetic abilities when performing the two kicks
This was broken by the discussion committee
From Prof. Habib Ali Taher as chairman, Prof. Lisa Rostom as member, Prof. Ali Jassem as member, Prof. Hassem Abdel-Jabbar as member, Prof. Rafid Al-Muhanna as member, Dr. Muhammad Jassem as member and supervisor, and Prof. Hussein Hassoun as member and supervisor

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