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The Faculty of Physical Education begins rehabilitating and maintaining the discussion hall

Under the direct supervision and follow-up by the Dean of the College, Professor Habib Ali Taher
Follow-up and implementation by the Engineering Division of our college, the rehabilitation and maintenance work of the college discussion hall was initiated
The division official, Engineer Haider Al-Tayyar, said in a statement to the Information and Relations Division that the rehabilitation works of the hall included replacing the walls, secondary ceilings and flooring, installing an advanced sound system, maintaining electricity, replacing lighting, as well as air conditioning the hall by adding a number of contour sepals, replacing the main door with a new soundproof door, and maintaining a platform for discussions besides Making CNC decorations inside the hall
Noting that the work is continuing and at a continuous pace in order to complete it on time, expressing his thanks to the Dean of the College for overcoming all obstacles to the work to see the light as soon as possible

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