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Under the chairmanship of the Dean of the College of Physical Education at the University of Karbala and the membership of a number of its professors.. Al-Safwa College conducts a discussion session for distinguished research for students of the fourth stage in the Department of Physical Education

The Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Prof. Dr. Habib Ali Taher, chaired the public session to discuss the outstanding graduation research for students of the fourth stage in the Department of Physical Education at Al-Safwa University College. The Dean said, in a statement to the Media and Relations Division of the college, that it is within the framework of scientific exchange and cooperation between private and government colleges in support of the educational process. We were chosen as Chairman of the Committee to Discuss Distinguished Research for the Fourth Stage Students in the Department of Physical Education at Al Safwa College for the academic year 2021-2022, explaining that the committee was a member of a number of our college teachers, including Prof. The elite university, indicating that the discussion took place in a wonderful and distinguished scientific atmosphere, where the contents of the research were discussed to evaluate and choose the best one. To serve the educational and academic process in the Countries in general, while the members of the committee were honored with letters of thanks and appreciation in appreciation of their scientific efforts, which contributed to the success of the session.

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